Renshi Suresh Kenichira, the force behind Okinawa Shorin Ryu Shorin Kan Karate-Do India, is a man with a hunger for excellence. He is a 6th Degree Black Belt holder in Karate from Okinawa and a 3rd Dan Black Belt holder in Kobudo, the martial arts weapon system of Okinawa. He single handedly groomed India’s largest martial arts organization from ground up starting with just 14 students.
Renshi Suresh’s sportive streak was first noticed in his school-days. He first started his martial arts training in Kalaripayattu, the world’s oldest surviving martial art, under Velayudan Gurukal. After one and a half years of training in this form, he moved on to learn karate in 1980 under the guidance of Renshi.Shivadas. Starting Karate in his school days, Renshi Suresh underwent rigorous training.
His desire for achieving higher levels of skill and proficiency combined with determination and many years of constant concentrated practice rewarded him with experience and many laurels in the field of Karate. Renshi. Suresh Kenichira is